I have been blogging for almost 3 years.
I have sobbed, big, fat tears, as I literally poured out my heart on these pages.
I have laughed at my own jokes.
I have stared at a screen, fingers poised over the keys, waiting for inspiration.
I have rolled my eyes at my own impertinence. "How dare I think I am a Super Woman!"
Oh, the pain of rejection!!!! Woe is me!!!
Okay. Fine. Who cares? Who wants a stupid award anyway? I don't need recognition to feel validated! I am a mature, intelligent woman. I am overflowing with self-worth. I have progressed far beyond the need for such trifles....
"Congratulations! You have been nominated for the

This is an award for beloved blogs with under 200 followers. It is awarded by fellow bloggers. A jury of your peers. (It means someone likes you)."
In the words of my roommate, Wo,
(Happy Dance, Happy Dance!)
I'm sorry, what was I saying?
Oh, yes...
First a great big THANK YOU! to Kayli at This LDS Military Wife for giving me this award. You Rock!
Now, it is my turn to pass along this honor to 5 other deserving bloggers.
Kristi at Extraordinary Moments In An Ordinary Life
LisAway at Away From It All
Cheryl at Happy Meets Crazy
Kate at My Kids Eat Off The Floor
Ashley at Life In Between
I could add a few more. It really is hard to choose just 5. But these are all blogs that I look forward to reading. I hope you enjoy them, too!
Thank you so much, Amy! I will pass it along next week! :)
A little attention and recognition is a wonderful thing every now and then. You deserve more than you get for the work you do for others Amy Luv. You have a genuine heart and amazing gifts. And you use those gifts for the purposes we are given them...to help ourselves and to HELP OTHERS. You help so many people. Your blog about the dream and the rocks is going to come in especially handy for a few of my friends who are enduring the heartache of losing loved ones. Thank you for listening to the inspiration you have been blessed with and for fulfilling the purposes for which it was given to you.
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