Hi! I'm Amy, aka, Superwoman. Read more about my under "My Secret Identity"
***Questions: There are 20 random questions listed below. Pick at least five, but up to twelve you’d like the answer the most. (I prefer that you include #4 and #12, but I’m not the boss of you. ) You can do it in any order.
1. What’s your favorite part of motherhood?
Sleeping, laughing, funny things the kids say and do, hugs.
2. What part of motherhood would you subcontract out if you could?
Cleaning up after a sick kid(s). dealing with temper tantrums,
3. Name 2 or 3 items on your “bucket list.” (Some things you’d like to do before you die.)
Visit Europe (again!), write a book, serve a mission with my husband
4. Brag for a minute. Do it. What are a few things that you’re pretty good at?
I am a fairly good cook; I especially like cute, creative treats. I am also good at puzzle/problem solving.
5. What are you loving lately?
Psych, Playing my piano, homemade granola
6. Do you have a favorite scripture or quote? Why?
Malachi 3:10 "...prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
12. What parts of your testimony are you the most sure of?
The truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, The love that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us no matter how badly we screw up.
16. What homemaking job/task gives you the most satisfaction?
I like the feeling of satisfaction when I clean a big mess. Don't like cleaning if you can't tel you did anything afterwards!
17. Give your best advice to a newlywed or expectant mom.
Ignore everyone else and follow the Spirit. No one can know what you need better than you Heavenly Father.
19. If your life had a theme song, what would it be and why?
Right now a lot of separation sons come to mind like "All My Loving" by the Beatles or "What'll I Do" by Irving Berlin or "You Belong To Me" Jason Wade version. Of course "Come, Come Ye Saints" probably fits best in every situation.
ooh, I kind of like your #17, with just a few exceptions of who to listen to. :)
Do you have a great granola recipe with NO nuts? I have an allergy kid.
Thanks for playing along with this today. It was so fun to "meet" you.
Well, I really hated all the birth horor stories. I also felt taht many mothers were really negative. I might be one of those now! but I wanted encouragement and reassurance as a new mother and new wife. I didn't want to hear about all the ways to mess up and be miserable. When I got to that point, there were always women there waiting eagerly to tell me how much worse things could have been! :)
Ha ha, I wrote similar advice for #17.
It was fun to meet you! :)
PS - I would like to learn how to be short, sweet, and to the point... It seems like no matter how hard I try, I always end up writing/saying more than it probably takes to actually say what I want to say... see what I mean?
Becca, I know what you mean. Someone recently told that me and brief don't get along! When I take the time to think about what I am saying or writing, I can usually cut down what I say. It takes practice to do it on the fly!
Hi Amy! It's nice to meet you. I loved your answer for #16; it makes so much sense :)
Love your advice on #17 So true!
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